onsdag 28 mars 2007


Helgen tillbringade vi i Hedkärra, för att fira pappas 60-årsdag. På lördagen var det varmt och skönt, våren har verkligen kommit, så vi trampade runt i trädgården och lekte i dammen.


We spent the weekend in Hedkärra, to celebrate my fathers 60th birthday. The Saturday was warm and nice, the spring is really here, and we rumbled around in the garden and played in the pond.

Template: TuesdayTemplate_021307-12(L) by Ruby Q Hammer
Kit: Greenpint by Queen of Quirk, www.oscraps.com
Elements: Gellie Hearts by Valorie Brown, Flower Gellies by BTB Designs, photocorner by Dozibaer
Font: Pentip, Glider Girls)

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